Remove this from your schedule?
You may not be able to get back in if this is full.
Delete My Sched Account
If you won't be using Sched anymore, you can delete your account below. You'll be sent a confirmation email that you must click to complete the deletion.
Email Me Link To Delete My Account
This session was pinned by the event administrator.
This session was frozen by the event administrator.
In case you want to leave this session, please contact the event administrator.
You've reached the limit for this activity type.
Please unschedule an existing activity if you'd like to add this one.

You can't add this because it's expired.
Adding this requires a corresponding ticket. Please try again after you obtain one. For free events (blue) please purchase any ticket type. For premium events (yellow) please purchase an All Inclusive Forward Pass or a single event ticket for this specific event. Purchasing a ticket requires an internet browser to complete - If you need further assistance contact
Creating a schedule requires a ticket.

Purchase a ticket using the Reserve Tickets
button or contact your event's organizer.
You can't remove this because it started or is about to start.

You can't add this because it's full.
The session you've added to your schedule was already full.
You've been added to its waitlist.
You can't add this because you've already scheduled something in this time slot.
Personal schedules are now frozen and no further changes are possible.
